If fertilizers or pesticides are improperly applied, they can wash off a lawn and directly reach rivers, lakes and the ocean where they can contaminate water. Excess nutrients create algae blooms that suck the oxygen out of the water which can kill wildlife, fish and plants. Excess pesticides can contaminate drinking water and produce negative health effects in humans and wildlife.
Let's compare synthetic and organic fertilizers below:
SYNTHETIC NITROGEN (Traditional Lawn Care Program)
· Chemicals fertilizers are primarily made from nonrenewable sources, including fossil fuels
· Nitrogen and phosphate based synthetic fertilizers are water soluable therefore have the portential to leach into ground water contaminating our water table
· Water-soluble nitrogen is gone in roughly 4-6 weeks
· Kills beneficial microorganisms in the soil that convert
dead animal and plant remains into nutrient-rich organic matter
· If you grow with chemical fertilizers long enough without putting organic matter back into the soil, eventually you will be growing the plant hydroponically with soil as the medium. ~ agronomist Dr. Tom Abele
ORGANIC NITROGEN ( Organic Lawn Care Program)
· Basic principle of organic fertilization is to feed the soil and let the soil feed the plants
· Organic matter cannot by synthesized in a laboratory, therefore; there is none in chemical fertilizers. Your plants becomes dependent on the chemicals to grow rather than getting its nutrients from the soil.
· Water-insoluble, won’t leach from soil causing environmental pollution
· There’s little to no risk of toxic buildup of chemicals that can be harmful to humans, animals, and plants
· In addition to releasing nutrients, as organic fertilizers break down, they improve the structure of the soil and increase its ability to hold water and nutrients, making soil and plants healthy and strong
· Organic fertilizers are renewable, biodegradable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly
· Organic lawns can provide beauty, function, cost savings, pest resistance, drought tolerance, ecological services and minimal health risks
Organic fertilizer is the clear winner in this debate!